Book a flight for only a fraction upfront

Purchase your flight in installments before your departure date

No credit check, no interest

Just a transparent one-time service fee

Flexible payment plan

Choose the plan that works for you

Lock in your fare now

Don't miss out on a great deal and offers

Get an upfront cost estimate

Either be its any domestic or international flight route, we always here to make it affordable. How much is your ticket upfront cost? Get estimate.

How it works

The easy and convenient way to lift off

Submit flight detail

Find a flight from our travel app, fill your required details in 3 simple steps.

Lock in

Book your flight for a fraction of the cost upfront and pay the remaining balance in installments before your departure date.

Receive e-ticket

Receive your e-ticket after your last installment payment. Pack light. Hurray moment....

Start in 3 simple steps

Book & manage your flights from anywhere

Book your favorite airlines

Complete control over your payment schedule

Manage multiple trips

Why people love us

Accessible. Flexible. Easy. And done!

Price protection

Book with us and we'll secure your airfare in advance when prices are cheaper. Protect yourself from price hikes no one likes.

No hidden fees

Book with us and we'll secure your airfare in advance when prices are cheaper. Protect yourself from price hikes no one likes.

Flexible and guaranteed

With FlightPayy you pay for your flight for a fraction upfront and the rest in installments before you travel.

Frequently asked questions

Below are a few questions you might be itching to ask.

What is FlightPayy?

FlightPayy allows you to book a flight for a fraction of the cost upfront and pay the remaining balance in installments before your departure date.

Does FlightPayy check my credit?

No. You are so much more than your credit score, so we don’t turn you into a three digit number.

Do you charge a service fee?

Yes, we do. FlightPayy charges a one-time service fee. Sign in and use the installment calculator to determine your fee.

What happens if the price changes after I book?

Our crystal ball hasn’t arrived yet. Until it does, we cannot predict any price changes. With FlightPayy, you are paying to protect your airfare from increasing in price which can be a lot more costly than price drops.

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